When I didn’t know I needed rest

finding joy

It was a season that I was unprepared for and didn’t know what it would look like, though it was exactly what I needed.  I had just given my all at a job for 13.5 years and had resigned my position to pursue full-time writing.  My new season wasn’t exactly what I had signed up for.

Honestly I didn’t know what it would look like except it felt good to sleep in past 3:45 am.  I did have some expectations going into this new thing that God was doing in me.  I was ready for a change.  I thought it would be easy.  I thought it be great and grand.  I thought I was already prepared.  I thought a lot of things.

I didn’t think it would look lonely, or leave me with a feeling of insignificance or make me feel marginal in anyway.  I didn’t realize I needed any rest and thought I could transition to one season to the next.  I wanted to know results to feel productive.  I didn’t think I had to dig so deep to discover my purpose.

This new place I was in was the exact opposite of my previous work environment.  May I be bit transparent here?  I felt a bit weak in this type of rest.  I thought I knew what this was about, but God showed me His more important things to accomplish as I prepared for the coming season.

Have I told you that I have a hard time being still?  It’s difficult for me to rest.  I didn’t realize how worn out I really was.  Emotionally I didn’t realize how spent I was on the inside.  The transition from a very public personality to a full-time writer was challenging for me.  As a people person, I used to talk to people for my job and the moment I left that position, intense isolation and loneliness set in.

I remember feeling so unproductive in my new found reason for rest.  I couldn’t hardly wait for God to launch the next step of His grand plan for me.  I believed it was around the corner, but at the same time, I missed people in painful way.

So I asked God where was His joy in this resting?  Where’s the joy in my feeling isolated?  Where was His joy in my new found freedom?

Because I was dealing with doubt, I re-evaluated my decision again and again.

Because I was looking for the fruits of my labor eveywhere, I lost my motivation to share my weight loss story in book form.

Because I didn’t see His value in my purpose, I couldn’t find joy in my writing.

It was a couple of months in, when I realized that God was working on His time frame not mine.  I slowly began to regain a right trust for His timetable with His plans for me.  My preparation season was my stilling my heart’s desire before the Lord.  Only He knew I needed that kind of rest first to project me into the next phase of this writing journey.

He knew that I need to build strength as a writer, He knew I needed a new dose of courage and He knew that I my confidence needed some encouragement.  He knew what I needed even though I kept telling Him what I wanted.

I often think about how we try to jump ahead of God or try to produce our own little spin on His great purpose for our lives.  There are days that I wonder what God is up to, but I know I can trust Him to meet my needs more than I can supply the words to wrap His ways.

I am mostly left in wonder that my Father, who has no needs, can anticipate all of mine no matter the season.

Once I realized I could trust Him in my new found season of rest, I felt His release to my new phase of ministry.

Once I realized that I was stepping into my calling, I received the joy that He had waiting for me.

Once I realized that I was never alone on any day, whether it was a public setting or not, I sensed His presence in a ways that I can’t describe.

Once I found joy in my freedom, I felt His peace that passes my understanding.

As I draw on His strength,  I am assured of His faithfulness each day.

Once I dropped my expectations of what my life should look like, healing came like rain from heaven.  I saw the fruits of my labor and I stepped into my purpose as His daughter.  I took my place in the kingdom and never my doubted decision again.

It is well with my soul and I’m breathing deep in His grace.  That’s true joy friends, not happiness as the world teaches us, but true and abiding joy that lasts.

Finding His joy in the freedom of your calling is a beautiful thing and helps define your identity in so many ways.  Finding purpose for your life is joyful, finding rest in due seasons is healing, and finding a deep trust that empowers your faith is life-changing.

How do you look for joy?

Why I needed to learn last year’s word first

Many of you know that last year’s “word” for me was “freedom”. As I have emphatically stated before, there are different levels of meaning to whatever you put before God.

I had no idea what kind of freedom God would show me. But first He had to take me to India.

This course may not make sense to you. I still ponder on the many things that God showed me from the loving people I met there. But what I came back with is that God will go to any extent that He needs to you show your own poverty from the lens of someone else’s.

Every time I step out my own “comfort” zone and ask God to show me what I need to learn, well, that is a prayer He will answer in the most creative ways.

God showed me true hope in the Dominican Republic.
God showed me true compassion in Africa.
God showed me true desperation in India.
God shows me truths when I search for true Truth.

So back to freedom. I had to learn God’s freedom first to prepare me for what He had for this year. What can freedom in Christ offer you? The truth. Plain and simple truth.

John 8: 31-32 “If you abide in my word, you are truly my disciples, and you will know the truth and the truth will set you free.”

Many of you don’t know that you need freedom, but to gain a fresh perspective on truth God will go to His measures to show you. In fact, He already has shown us truth that comes through the life and testimony of Jesus.

Freedom can bring back the fear of God to your life, and you are free to not care what people think. I don’t have to cower behind the fear of your opinion anymore. Fear is of the enemy and holds us back. Fear comes at us in many forms. Fear kills the good work that Jesus’ truth has already taught us.

So when you discover freedom in fearing God over man, you are not bound to the opinion of others. In this freedom, comes liberation of many lies I have swallowed about others and myself.

Freedom brings the ability to reject the lies of the world because I am clinging to God’s truth.

Freedom also opens the door to a deeper trust in God. It enables me to stay the course to my true calling. That is to be His voice of truth in my personal life and to my family. And to encourage those He brings in my path. So in this freedom, I know that whatever He calls me to do, in every season, He has already equipped me to do what He is asking me to do.

When you pray for God to move in your life, whatever it takes to accomplish His will, He will answer that prayer because He can see your heart of desperation to respond to His call in a way that will glorify Him alone. Yes, He asks us to do hard things, but He knows that it will take more of Him to accomplish it? Yeah, He’s “all in” on that answer.

Freedom unbinds my thinking that I have to rely on me to accomplish what God wants. I can rely on His Truth that is much more reliable, Jesus. He is my Overcomer, so as I am becoming more grace-filled, I rely on His grace to accomplish what is before me.

Freedom is liberating.

I can’t sum up all the freedom that God showed me from last year in this post, but I can say it this way: God is working in new areas of freedom to accomplish the good works that He has provided ahead for me.

And to know that freedom is preparing, exciting, and enticing. I want all the truth-based freedom I can get. God is always sovereignly directing, re-directing, protecting, prioritizing, and pruning me. He is deepening my simple trust and drawing me near.

He is my Freedom. I know that brings Peace and assurance and perfect order in a holy confident way.

Maybe you need order in your life. Ask the One who can bring order to your peace by asking Him what you need to learn in this year. You will be blown away by what He shows you. Take my word for it. Freedom will pave the way.

One thing I know is this: “So if the Son makes you free, you are free indeed. John 8:36”

What do you need freedom from this year?
